Enola Holmes

Enola Holmes
Nowadays, movie fans are in for a treat with numerous cinema premieres and constant availability of streaming services where new movies and shows are coming up almost every day. However, it makes it easy to get lost in a variety of choices and recommendations. That is why Beverly Hills Magazine is here to help you make an informed decision on what movies and shows are worth your time. Today we are going to look at the newest Netflix movie – Enola Holmes.
Name That Rings A Bell
An average person is used to hearing the name of Sherlock Holmes, but who is Enola Holmes? This question is answered with great attention to detail in the beginning where a viewer is introduced to the adventurous and exceptional young woman (Millie Bobby Brown) who has a strong relationship with her mother (Helena Bonham Carter). The exposition also sets a dynamic tone of a family movie which can be potentially enjoyed by people of different ages.
Cast Members
Another thing that attracts us to this movie is its cast. Millie Bobby Brown (Stranger Things) demonstrates an exceptional emotional range throughout the whole movie by showing self-confidence and curiosity which are crucial for the character. Cast members of this film are talented actors with a lot of experiences such as Helena Bonham Carter (The Crown, The King’s Speech, Alice in Wonderland) and her colleague from Harry Potter films, Fiona Shaw (Killing Eve, True Blood) as well as Sam Claflin (Me Before You; Adrift) and Burn Gorman (The Dark Knight Rises, Pacific Rim, The Oxford Murders). Even though Louis Partridge (Medici, Paddington 2) is not as well-known as other actors, he gives a solid performance and his great chemistry with Millie Bobby Brown is undeniable and benefits the overall story.
The Role of Sherlock Holmes
The right casting of Sherlock Holmes was important for the success of this movie as the character should be true to the original portraying without drawing too much attention from the main heroine. The final choice fell on Henry Cavill (Man of Steel; The Witcher) who is a great actor, however, it seems that the character in the movie is gentler and softer than classic Sherlock Holmes. Whether it’s due to Cavill’s acting or to the script of the movie, it is going to be a disappointment for some of the fans of original Sherlock Holmes.
At no point does the story become slow or rushed which makes pacing perfect for a two-hour movie. The plot is dynamic and well-written, the viewer won’t feel bored as the scenes are gradually and logically transferred to one another and there is a good amount of foreshadowing for all of the main events. As we don’t want to spoil anything for you, let’s just say that there are a couple of plot twists you might not see coming.
The production of this movie is also an advantage as it is very high-quality. The editing is seamless and used as a part of storytelling as well as animation and music created for certain scenes. Each filming location sets the right tone and consists of many details relevant to the events of the story.
What’s the Catch?
The movie sounds promising, so is there something wrong with it? The main problem arises when we are reminded of the fact that Enola is a sister of Sherlock Holmes. This statement comes with a lot of expectations and hopes from a viewer as Sherlock Holmes is one of the most famous fictional characters in the world. The movie is expected to be a mystery where a viewer can solve puzzles and find clues pointing them to what really happened in the story. If you are a true fan of Sherlock Holmes and a genre of mystery, we need to warn you that this movie wasn’t created for that. Instead, it is a light-hearted adventure which explores a story of a girl who tries to understand who she is and what she wants. So, if you are ready for this type of story, we think you will really enjoy it.